
Wednesday, July 1, 2015


The other day I received a comment (which I encourage all of you to do) that made me feel a little upset but had some merit. If you did not see it the person wrote "Blah blah blah... Again with the proof read. This is not an adventure at all jacks." For me this comment was a bit mean but hey everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, I am also entitled to respond with facts. So, for the first part Blah blah blah... you may not think my posts are exciting, or even slightly entertaining  and that is fine. I thought my post had some merit to it, and you know what maybe it was filler but not everything I write is going to be riveting and filled with blood, pain, anguish, etc. The mundane is part of life and that brings me to the second part. Everyday is an adventure whether it is a mundane one or an OMG adventure; either way its part of my adventure. Now, all that is left is my last point. I  want to tell you all that yes I do know there are some errors on my posts. I do have someone that looks over what I write, and in the beginning I was going to change the errors and make it look all lovely and perfect. I changed my mind though. I changed it because (and this is something I have not said on here yet) I have dyslexia, a condition where letters and words do not always form correctly, look right, or whatever. It is something that I have dealt with for, well ever. I am not ashamed of my condition nor do I think I should have to hide or gloss over it. So, my mistakes I leave them there, its my little way of staying true to what I see and how words form for me. I hope you guys can accept me for all my faults like I try to accept others for all of theirs. In the future I will try to keep my adventures a little more exciting. I will not promise that though and I hope you stay with me through all the mundane so we can have some cool crazy adventures in the future. In fact... why not for this upcoming week only we try something. I will take suggestions from you my readers on what "activity" you think I should partake in. If no one sends anything in then I guess I will stick to my everyday adventures, but if a few of you guys are interested enough message me or even just post on my Facebook page Adventures what you think I should do. You guys can post or say anything. Although, please remember I am on a very fixed budget and I am too soft and weak to end up in prison. Plus, I would have to steal then sell a house in order to post bail lol. Anyway, lets give it a try.

* This post was written with an auto correct computer. If anything is misspelled I blame the computer used wholeheartedly.*
** Please do not let this post keep you guys from speaking your mind! I love seeing comments of any nature on here**
Have a good day and I look forward to hearing what you guys will post!!

1 comment:

  1. It's not autocorrect that is the problem. Use a period here or there. Runs on everywhere. Break into paragraphs.
