
Monday, July 13, 2015

Pieces of me

A lot of people who know me, know that I love art. All types of arts, written, musical, drawings, paintings, everything. I believe it's a real way to express yourself and your emotions. 
For me art has been a  life saver. I have always used writing to get out the feelings that I normally harbor inside of me. Anyone who reads my poetry or listens to my spoken word learns about me and my true feelings. People who read my stories, well you get to learn about all my crazy fantasies. Yes, my books are based on what I actually wish would happen to me and no I do not think its weird. If I could draw better, you would see what I see when I look at people. Through the photos I take you can't see much since most of my pictures are of nature. When you listen to my favorite songs you can see my past.
So, yes for me art is everything. For a lot of people art is everything. I've seen and heard tons of people say music is their blood. It is the thing that sustains them. That is true for so many of the arts. 
I  talking to you guys about this because I have posted a few times now that I started a campaign on GoFundMe to assist artists. I would like to invite all of you to help me. I want to raise $500 for 10 artists. This fund will be used to as a scholarship for two workshop dates at The Blue Door. Those of you who have read my posts before should know that The Blue Door is a gallery in Yonkers where a fabulous friend of mine holds a poetry workshop. Now, this is mainly for poets yes, but it is for other as well. While being at the workshop, we use the art around us to write our pieces. We do this a few times with different things to keep in mind. While we do this we get to meet other artists (photographers, writers, poets, etc.) and talk about our journeys. After the workshop we are then invited to stay for Po'Jazz where poets get up to read and they can read while being accompanied by musicians or alone. There is also refreshments so you can get a little courage if needed. I want to take 10 artists and open their world a little more to the other people who love what they love. I hope you guys can find it in your hearts to help me do this! Also, if you know anyone who would like to join please have them email me at . Thank you guys for reading my what I can only assume is part crazy and pleading post. If you made it through give your self a pat on the back then GO to my GoFundMe account and donate anything you can. Even 5$ makes a difference!

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