
Monday, July 6, 2015

My fourth

For the first time in what seems like a long time I finally went out again and hung out with some exciting, loving friends. For the fourth of July this year I went to my friends house to celebrate her birthday and of course the fourth of July. To be honest it was the first time I've truly let my guard down and just enjoyed myself. I went to her house after spending most of the day home wallowing in my boredom. By the time I had walked my butt over to her place I was dying for a drink and of course by that I mean an alcoholic one. Now, let me tell you that drink was either strong or I have become a light weight. One glass in and I was already tipsy and in need of some food to fill my stomach. Besides being drunk for a good portion of the time, what I really enjoyed were the people. They were open, friendly and I was able to really talk to them about my poetry and what I am hoping to do artistically.
At one point people were shouting out for someone to read their poems, stories, or really anything they had written. Of course, people kept looking at me and I am not sure why! The whole room was filled with writers who had been in the craft before I was even born. So, I shied away and told them all I had nothing on me. Which if you've seen my other blog you would know that I have posted several of my poems on there and all I had to do was going on the internet on my phone to get it.
After a lively time of talking, laughing, and eating a lot of food; I decided to leave before all the night time fireworks and festivities started. I know it kind of makes that day less of an adventure since I guess nothing crazy happened. For me it is still an adventure because I ventured from my home and out of my tiny circle to meet new people and hang out with the sweet, kind friends of my friend. That was all the adventure I needed to have a great fourth of July.

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