
Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Have you ever just haad one of those days where your body is in so much pain, you don't want to do anything. The type of pain that stops you in your tracks and makes you take notice. Well, that is what I have been dealing with today. Today, of all days when I have appointments. Instead of being able to do what I was supposed to I laid in bed with a hot pack and pain killers.

Well, lucky for me between sleeping and medicating myself. I was also able to write a few more pages of my new story. It seems to be a good outlet during all this pain. Besides, all that not so interesting things, here is a little bit about my new treatment. SO, as you all know it has been over a month (close to, if not 40 days) since my last period. About 6 or 7 days in I was told by my GYN that I have to be on provera to help with regulating me. I was supposed to wait until after the tests and ultrasound came back to make sure I wasn't pregnant. Since, I found out two weeks ago that I was not. I started taking the medicaion like I was told to, one a day for ten days. Well that ended about three days ago. I had expected that I would start getting it today. What I did not expect was for the pain to start out this bad. As a pre-curser this is not a good sign. I will keep you guys filled-in on how thigs will progress going forward. Until, then wish me good luck cause I am pretty sure I will need it.

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