
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My book

I talked to you guys a little bit last night about a novel I am trying to get funded and published. A little bit about this part of my life. I started writing the book around 13/ 14 years old. It is as all of (well most of) my books were about...vampires. At an early age I fell in love with the world of the supernatural. I completely blame Hercules, Xena, Buffy the Vampire Slayer ,Sabrina the teenage Witch, and Angel. Those shows captured my love, adoration, and threw me into a world of witched, vampires, supercharged humans, gods and all sorts of other creatures. Since then my imagination has been filled with stories pertaining to the supernatural world. Now, the book I wrote back then has a lot of things going for it. It is romance, gore, and supernatural agendas tied in together. However, a few years after I had started writing my book I came across twilight and realized how similar the two are. I will say that it is different in a few places but the stories when read sound similar and it deterred me from finishing my book (really its a trilogy). This past year or so though I had decided to take a look back at what I had written and sort of update it to what, I now at 23 years old, think, feel, and have experienced. I want to almost re-vamp it so it does not sound too juvenile and so it has a better flow. In order to do that though I have been trying to find someone to help me edit it. As any writer can tell you, and I have personally read from another fabulous writer, it is hard to start all over on your book and fix your own mistakes. Of course without a proper budget to hire someone good to help me I am stuck doing it myself. This is one of the reasons I started a Kickstarter campaign. I am hoping I can find people who want to help make my 10 year old dream of publishing this story come true. In all honesty I do not care if my book becomes a big hit, I just want to get my words and stories out there for other teens and young adults to read. That is what is important to me. So, I ask that you only share this post on your media pages and let others decide if they can help me. I can promise you the story I am hoping to finish and publish is worth getting out there, but hey I am biased. I can tell you though that on my other blog I have and will continue to put up some excerpts of the book. Then you guys can tell me what you think and whether you believe it is something that should be out there for all to read.
Thank you for let me ramble on and I hope you guys can help me. I love you all even though yes, I do not know you. Have a good day and I hope to hear from you guys soon!

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