
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Uhm what now

So, since the last time we talked and I told you about my lovely huge cyst, new things have developed. 1. I now know the size of my cysts. My left side cyst is 4.97 cm x 4.74 cm and the right one that I was never told was found is 3. Something by 3. Something. 2. I spent around 8 hours yesterday at a hospital that I had heard was very good. Instead of doing surgery on my huge cyst that has been hurting me, they decided to let it resolve it self. Meaning let it either Pop or just disappear. I am however supposed to watch for any symptoms that would require a surgery. For me just having a huge cyst that could cause massive pain is enough for surgery but hey I'm not a doctor right. Well, this post took me all day and I'm pooped. So... Talk to you tomorrow???

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