
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

ramble, ramble, ramble

There has been a million and one things happening in my life lately, and do you know what the sad thing is... . The sad thing is that even with everything I have been completely bored and doing nothing. I mean obviously not nothing, but still nothing. So, here we go.

The first thing that is very important to get out there is my health. Which is more then one thing in itself. As you all know I have been filing for DSS and SSI because of my PCOS condition which makes it very hard for me to work consistently. Today, when going back to DSS I found that their doctor found me disabled, but only temporary. As in only for three month which is the course of my treatment that I am starting soon... . The only reason why I have not started it is because I want to wait for my ultrasound before I take it. Now, I want the ultrasound because after 26 days of being late, with nausea, insomnia and yet being fatigued, and this incessant pressure on the left side of my pelvis. I am not saying that I am pregnant because saying that and then ending up not being would be incredibly embarrassing and upsetting. So, for now I am just weird and crazy and driving myself up a wall. I hate not knowing what is going on with me. Which on that topic, I still have not heard anything about my physical therapy which in my mind is crazy cause I mean hello pain!!

Besides all of that, there are other things in my life. My book for one, which in my mind is becoming clearer while my ability to write it is getting worse. I am at the library now as I write this and hope that being in a place where there is nothing else to do but write, will help. However, with out any funding to back my book it does not matter if I write a great book. I think what I will do is in my next post give you a synopsis of my trilogy.

The next part of my hectic life is the my business and this blog. Both of which I am trying to make into something big and important. My business, which is not officially a business because its not filed away and stuff, is called MJ Services. It is an idea where everyone helps each other. College students help working families with child care, cleaning, personal assistance, etc. and working families help students by paying them a decent rate that can go towards tuition, travel, books, etc. I think that this would be great, if only I could get all the pieces together. Under MJ Services there is my blogs both Jacks and Into the Arts. For this blog, well I think it is going okay. I wish I was able to get more feedback from you guys cause honestly every time I see a page view I fall in love with you guys more and more. Into the Arts I want to find more artists to showcase. I have been very fortunate to find the few I have been able to show off but, I am pretty greedy and want even more. I also want to eventually sell some art on my blog, and I want to raise money for artist. A lot of people are really into the arts and are great artists with no connections, or people to help nurture their work. I already have a fabulous writing workshop that I would love to bring people into. However, the workshop is about $25 a person. Something that not all artists can afford, especially if they are young. To add a little bit to my need and want to help artists, my husband has also decided to do the same.

On that topic, I told you about how my husband best friend ( or as he says his brother) died. Well his friend was a manager for artists. He had a big heart and wanted to help as many people as he could and his passion was in the arts. Well,  my husband decided that he would continue his friends work, in honor of him. I support this of course, I think there is nothing better. Now, this means that I am also helping him with this and it is being put on my already sweet heavens plate. I normally would not have a problem with this, but I am sooo tired and feel like I am burdened. Not in the sense that I am not happy to do all my projects. It is just sometimes I wish I had an assistant to help me with all of this.

So, there goes a portion of the stuff that is happening. I guess if you made it through and you have anything you want to say, I gladly await your comments below.

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