
Friday, May 1, 2015

No words

I spend a lot of my time on different apps, forums and whatnots to find people who may need a helping hand or some advice. The story I recently came across has me a bit shaken up with anger. 

A young woman my age (probably why I'm so shaken) is married to a man in the army and is often scared for her life. This 'man' has physically hit her on more then one occasion and when I asked why she has not tried to leave and call the cops her response was "I don't want to ruin his life". Can you believe that this girl/woman whose 22/23 won't leave a bad situation because she doesn't want his life ruined! While he is ruining hers. 
From what I have gathered people know what is happening to her and have not done anything. Now, I don't know if that's because she told them not to or if it's because they just don't care. However, I don't care what the reason is I am so pissed that a man any man but one that our country tries to hold to such a high esteem would do this to a young defenseless woman. 
Let me know what you think in comments below.

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