
Friday, May 8, 2015

Happiness is...

   Hey guys!! So this week has been beautiful outside and I now this cause it's basically what I've been told. Wednesday I spent most of the day sleeping since it was a very bad day were it seems (what can only be) my massive uterus, lining was constantly falling out in huge heaps. I will say this again. If you are squeamish and cannot deal with my Nothing is TMI factor you probably shouldn't be reading this or most of the things I post. 
    To get back on topic yesterday I went to work and had to change two pants that whole day... Lucky me. Normally I wouldn't cause I've tried very hard to master the close my vagina and sit in a position were things pool in a crevice of my snatch. For some reason it didn't work and I was fortunate that I had extra cloths. 
      Today however, I left with one outfit and even though I am still exhausted and bleeding I have gotten a very good friend of mine to help me start working out better. I thought I could work out my self but that is obviously just not true. Granted I do get in good walks and steps but I think now is a good time to go to someone who went to school for this (training) and see what he says to do and have help being pushed to my limit. See yesterday someone very wise told me something that I am going to ask all of you now. She said "what is your happiness worth?" And I honestly told her i don't know.                                             
    I spent so much of my life doing what other people wanted me to do and trying to rebel in smallish ways that my own true happiness I didn't think about. I mean I know I want to be a mom, which I am going to be... Well step-mom...That's for another post, but even though I've tried and stuff I never thought about the full picture of my happiness. I am 23 now and I think it's time I have it some real thought. So, I ask you guys to do this with me. Make a list or take a day (Saturday is a good one) and just think about you and what you want. Not about what other will think or what others would ask or want for you. Think only about you and be honest, be brutal honest with yourself. Now, I hope that when you've done that you will share it with everyone else who reads adventure whether it's on the blog or on the Face Book page Adventures. Tell us what your true happiness would be and then after that what you would do to be truly happy. How much is that happiness worth to you.

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