
Friday, May 22, 2015

Marriage is...

Marriage to some people is a contract that states you have bound yourself to this other person; financially, and physically. Others view marriage as a spiritual connection that ties you to a person you love; where as some have described it as becoming one. 
Either way marriage is something that should be filled with support (fiscal, emotional, and physical when needed), love ( or even just liking the person), LOYALTY, and RESPECT. 
I capitalized the last two because I think those embody what marriage should be. There should be equal respect for both the man and the women. It can be respecting each other's roles in the relationship, respecting their decisions, or even respecting their time and efforts. Loyalty I believe is self explanatory. A marriage is not a marriage if you cannot be loyal to the one you bind your life with. Now, I'm not saying people that swing or people who have pre-arranged agreements are not being loyal cause in a sense they are. They are being loyal in the best way they can be and respecting their partners enough to talk openly and come to some sort of terms.
For me a man who makes plans to sleep with someone else, a man who hits his wife ( or long term girlfriend whose basically common law), and or sneaks around with other people is scum. He is essentially not a man. The same goes to the women and or male (marriage is who you choose to bind yourself with) that helps you be unfaithful. Both people are horrible and deserve to have their hearts broken.  I'm not just saying this about the men m, women the same goes for you if your doing the same things.
Anyway before I got off on a tangent I was talking about marriage and what it should be. I talk to my boss often and the other day this topic came up. We talked about how everyone is different and how you never truly know what happens behind close doors. Also, how people who intentionally hurt their spouses are the worst. We talked about how marriage is something you work at; it's not something that just happens. It's a daily commitment to be your best and to honor the relationship you have with your partner. We also said that if you cannot do that then it's better to let them go. That way they can be happy with someone who can make them happy. I'll leave you here but please feel free to share your thoughts on marriage or committed relationships.

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