
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Life of the medicated

It seems lately I've been apologizing to people for not being able to do things. Well this weekend I spent sleeping and taking pain killers. Not heavy ones but I was in enough pain to finish a bottle. In between that I ate and slept because like most people who are sick that's what's needed rest. Now, I don't have a cold or anything but I am still sick. So, for today I am going to put my holidays posts into one. Thursday after work I went to urgent care because the hospital I had went to as you know did not treat me. 
I talked to the nurses and told them everything; about me hitting my head and my over bleeding. I told them about the pain and fatigue. When the doctor came in to see me she was nice and firm. Granted she told me what I already knew which was I have to fight for anything I want. The problem with that is that in just so damn tired. After fighting with doctors for 11 years, most of the fight has gone out of me.
Anyway, I found out a few things that the hospital should have known and told me about. Like I have a UTI and that my blood pressure when I'm resting to when I stand drops quite a bit. So, atleast the doctor there helped me and I spent my weekend like I said sleeping and taking painkillers. A lot like I spent my week. I am happy though to say that the bleeding has finally stopped and I am once again awake enough to start writing and posting.

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