
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The world of ehh

The last time I left off it was Saturday and I was taking progestrone as given to me by the gyn I had seen. I had, had a bad reaction friday but was doing well. So, yeah that ended. Sunday I had a pretty traumatic incident. While taking a shower I passed out and fell hitting my head on the wall and tubs ledge. Luckily I wasn't bleeding or too seriously hurt. I had decided not to go to the hospital unless anything else was to happen...
... Well it did. The following two days my headache persisted and so I thought it would be better to go to the ER. Well can I tell you! If you are sick, in pain, or need attention do not and I mean DO NOT go to st. Joseph's in yonkers. I've been there more then once and am constantly feeling like they could not be bothered. Now granted the night I went was hectic but that does not explain the lack of assistance. I told them multiple times that I had hit my head and was experiencing a dull pressure that hurt a lot in my head and it had not gone away since Sunday. They ran a blood test and EKG but did not do an x-ray or MRI. The last time I had passed out they gave me both. Having wanted to make sure my head was okay. This time the doctor made it seem like I was there for nothing.
 When I was discharged I asked for a doctors note and over heard the doctor tell the nurse that that was why I had gone to the ER. I got really mad and wanted to say something but I was raised to keep my mouth shut. My husband in the other hand started to yell out curse words. My thing is why shouldn't I be given a doctors note. I told you more then once what happened and you refused to run proper testing. I work with children and cannot be half okay to do my job. If I have a bad headache or am weak or whatever I shouldn't be going to work so yes a doctors note, the results to my blood test or a discharge paper stating what I came in for what the tests said, and a sheet to tell me what I was diagnosed with and should look out for. They did like 1 thibg out of that till I asked. Tell me do you think I was wrong?

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