
Saturday, May 9, 2015

How young people talk to each other

   Nowadays, when I walk down the street, read my texts, or over hear a conversation I find myself often appalled by the way men and women talk to each other. It is almost as if they were not raised with any manners or don't know how to say a sentence without profanity. Whatever happened to being polite? Not polite as in skirting around a topic; polite as in respecting the other people around us.
    A little earlier today I heard what I believe was a husband say to his wife "SHUT UP!!" and then continue to talk to his friends and make fun of her. Honestly, if I had had more stamina, I would have clocked him. I know that is not particularly nice but, I hate rude men. 
       Why is it that we cannot talk honestly but in a way that also uses kind words. I mean how hard would it have been for the man to tell his wife "can you please be quiet while I talk to my friends. Thank You" 
        I don't know maybe I am rambling and filling up space but; tell me have you noticed and gotten pissed about how you hear people talk around you and to you.

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