
Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Hey, so I am pretty sure you all had a better day then me. My day started with crazy amount of pain and is ending with a huge fucking headache. Pardon my French, not really. On my way to 'work' and I put it that way cause it feels great and like I am hanging out with friends; I am crying from the amount of pain my uterus thinks is appropriate to have. By the time I get to work my vagina is bleeding like someone went inside with knives and started hacking away( which btw is kid of what the pain felt like) with an entire like side of lining plopping out in a way that makes me feel likes body is stupid. Oh, I know it's already late for this but yes I am very graphic today. 
While I am trying to pretend everything is normal and stuff shits going on at home (all hush, hush can't say shit 😶) that is frustrating  me. However, I still try and keepy composure even though at this point I feel like one of those cartoon characters that have steam coming out of their heads. Lucky for me my boss is very sweet and listens to my spiel and troes to calm me down. I say try because. I am me and I will dwell on things until they are fixed.
Anyhoo, the point of this post was supposed to be about how my vag thinks it's cool to expell huge pieces of what I can only assume is lining, since I was told I wasn't pregnant. This is kind of a pretty normal thing for me but it is still crazy on my mind for multiple reasons. 1. Being that holy crap big giant chunk of my body is sliding out my vag. 2. The amount of pain a body can take and still function (to a point) and 3. The amount of blood expelled in all of this. Plus the fact that if your in someone else's bathroom and you bleed on things, your butt is going frantic trying to clean it all up so no one knows. 
What I would like though is to hear your craziest expert with over bleeding or pain outside 

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