
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Me becoming a mom

This is a long and confusing post that I will try to make short. I have been holding onto it for sometime now. Last year I asked my husband and sister if they were okay with her being artificially inseminated. So, me and him could have a baby with both of our genes. Things fell through as things changed for my sister. 
However, my husband took that idea and kind of ran with it. He found an old high school friend (btw his ex that I found out about later). She wanted to have a baby and so did he.
My husband is a good guy with some bad ideas. He came to me earlier this year saying that he talked more to his friend and wants to give me a baby. A baby that we could co-parent with his friend. I of-course thought of all the bad that could happen. 1. They fall in love cause she can give him what I can't 2. She runs away and takes the baby 3. Being a part time pretend mom (really a step-mother) would be worse than not having a child... Or a million and one other things. 
I decided if I could meet her and we could all come to a mutual agreement we could stick to then I could make myself be okay. Anyway, fast forward and she is pregnant. Due the end of this year/ early next. So, pray for me or send me good vibes. Whatever, you believe cause I can us it. This adventure is going to be one hell of a ride.

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