
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mother's Day for the motherless and childless

     Mother's Day is a celebration for children and moms. It's an especially wonderful holiday for grandmothers, moms, and grand kids; since the mom can share her specially day with the people she loves the most, her children and their children. Mother's Day is also seen as a holiday for mothers and daughters specifically. 
      I remember when I was younger scrambling to make or buy presents for my mom on that special day. Since my mom was basically a single parent, she was very special to me. Not to mention the fact that she was an amazing person who understood me for the most part.
       Since her death Mother's Day has been very hard for me. On a day were almost everyone is with someone they love and I had/have no one; no mother figures left close to me to tell I loved them.
        Out side my lack of a mother, another hard factor of Mother's Day is the fact that the pregnancies I have had have all ended in loss. For a person so young ( really any person) can be very devastating. I am sure this is not the first time I have said this and probably not the last. My first miscarriage was when I was 16 years old and it almost killed me. If I had had that baby I would have a 6 year old... . My second miscarriage was almost a year after my mother death and I was 19; which means I could of also has a soon to be 3 year old.
        I know all of this is a lot more info then needed and more than another person might say. I have said I am an open book and for the main part I am (as long as it doesn't infringe on another's privacy or wishes). Any way, Mother's Day is a dual difficult day. As I am sure it is for several women out there. So, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms without their babies. Happy Mother's Day to all the daughters and sons that are missing their moms on this day.
I hope this day is as good as you want it to be!

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