
Thursday, April 30, 2015

New Adventure...1

I want to start of by saying yesterday I was tired with a headache and could not for the life of me look at a screen to write a post. So, here is yesterday's post today, ENJOY! 

Yesterday I had a fabulous meeting with my bosses doula and she is awesome!!! Like I cannot say it enough. I bring this up because in a previous post I talked about wanting to be a doula and guess what... I am! This fascinating woman told me that I don't have to be certified to be a doula just be a great, chill person who can help a woman with their pregnancy and birth and guess what... I've kind of already done that. So, I'm a doula!!! And I will be adding that to my resume and start looking for clients.
Tell me what you think should doulas have to be certified? Would you trust someone who just says their a doula? Are you pregnant and looking for one??

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