
Sunday, April 5, 2015


The other week I talked to you guys about me starting to exercise and in general try to become healthier and loss weight. Unfortunately, I have not done a good job on keeping you guys up to date on my workouts. Here is a bit of what has been happening. 
Last week I acquired my Jawbone up move band and decided to get back to moving more. I knew it might take a little longer for me to get fully into it so I didn't try anything too hard or re-start my Pact (a pretty cool app that pays you to workout). Saturday was my first official day having it and so I worked out a bit. Knowing it was going to be a busy day I worked out in the shower doing lunges and squats. Boy was I not ready for that brief 30 minute workout! By the time I left for work I was so sore I actually fell down the stairs cause I couldn't walk properly; which of course made my legs hurt more. It was a good start even though since I started my period I haven't worked out since. I promise though that as soon as my body is able to workout again I will let you know what I'm doing.
Below I am attaching some pics of my getting up and moving process.

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