
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Married to a ....Marine

Up until now I haven't said much about my marriage. I'm sure you guys who don't know me or those who just want to catch up about my current life would like to know about my husband who, I occasionally want to kill... 
A little recap- we met in elementary school and apparently he liked me... Fast forward oh 6 or 7 years we meet again and he calls me his wife! Yea, I know crazy!! Fast forward alittle more and we are 19 and I finally say yes to dating him and a week later he goes off to boot camp. The following year we actually get the chance to date and 4 months later we are MARRIED! It has now been 2 years and 7 months since our vows and you are basically all caught up. 
This post is not so much about my marriage ,which I will go into detail about at another time but, about being married to someone in the military...
Since being with my husband, I have had to get use to the thought that he could get hurt, killed, or be called active and sent over seas. I'm lucky though in the sense that he is reserved so I normally feel like he is safe even though in the back of my mind I know that if we were to go to war then I could easily lose him. 
I do have to say one thing though it is nice that as a reservist he leaves once a month to go training, like this weekend. It gives us some time apart to miss eachother and me time to hang out with friends or have the run of the house and TV. However, in the summer he leaves for two weeks which goes by both very quickly and achingly slow. Sometimes I wish he was just a civilian but I know he enjoys being a marine and playing with all of his guns.well that's were I will leave off today. Please comment below if you have military personnel in your family or are a spouse, girlfriend, or fiancé of one. I would love to hear from you guys!

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