
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Re-cap and going forward

   For about a month know I have told you all (well not all) of my woes when it comes to my Pcos (and my kind of...diagnosed endo.. Tell you more about that another day) problems. Today I am going to list the things I plan on doing about it and have done about it. I will spill the truth of my adventures with pcos. 
   As I had told you many times before when I was diagnosed when I was a kid, they put me on birth control to manage the symptoms that came with pcos like 'periods' that aren't periods and cysts that grew and hurt. I was on birth control on and off for about 8 years or so and it was the worse things ever. My again 'period' never became really regular. Outside of that I never really took other medication that the doctors gave me because according to them I am a kid and don't need to be on anything but birth control which makes me absolutely crazy and depressed to the point were yes I wanted to die and I had several times tried to kill myself.  It's sad, not smart, and I'm not that person anymore. 
  Anyway after all that about a year ago I started to take metformin and no it was not prescribed to me but I took a dosage amount that was typical. I was left despreate for something to help me a. With my pcos b. Have a baby and c. Lose weight. Anyway not that long after I started taking them I ended up in the hospital and had to stop.
   Now, I am trying the whole lose weight, go to endocrinologist and get a new Gynecologist that will treat me like an adult...hopefully.
.Well it's late and I'm old and need my sleep. Leave comments below or message me. Good night 

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