
Saturday, April 11, 2015

PCOS makes my inner thoughts crazy

   Here is a kind of funny story... Today I was talking to a friend of my Rob on Facebook while I was in the bathroom (yes, I admit what a lot of people wont. I have tons of conversations with people while in the bathroom...GET OVER IT!) and while I was getting up I commented to him "I just made the Red Sea....." He of course comments back unfazed saying "Aunt 'Flow' stopped by?"
When I saw that text I had a really good laugh and replied honestly "I wish! That bitch moved in last Thursday" As witty as I was being it was true; I wish that I was experiencing just a stop by and not a whole stinking vacation for this thing. I mean (yes, I know I say that a lot) I read a bunch of stuff about menstruation and have tons of friends, all of whom I envy, that have periods for 2-3 days some for as long as 5 and I sit there listening to them complain and all I have in my head is please Lord let me have what they have. I promise I will do anything just let my uterus be like theirs! as well as, You stinker heads deal with it for 3 days of what I consider a light flow and I have it for as little as 8-10 days to 2-4 months with a flow that would probably kill you!! Of course I cannot say that to all of them. Anyone else have that problem like you want to scream and yell at your friends for complaining about these 'periods' of there and you are just like  I WISH YOU COULD SPEND JUST ONE WEEK WITH MY... WHATEVER.. I SHOULD CALL IT BECAUSE IT IS DEFINITELY NOT A PERIOD!!!
   On a slightly different note and if you are squeamish or cannot deal with the full truth about a woman's period and all that accompanies it please stop reading. Does anyone else ever have difficulty with blood on their hands and in the beds of your nails? I am constantly washing my hands trying to get the blood off from when I clean myself. I swear there has got to be a better way. I am so close to just buying a huge supply of latex gloves to use during these times when its just like the blood goes everywhere. I know, I know TMI we don't want to hear that but, I did tell all you squeamish people to stop reading before I got into that. 
    Anyway leave me comments they don't have to be nice I promise I can handle it. Let me know what you think. what you have been through. Ask me questions I am obviously not shy.

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