
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Getting my butt kicked once again

Today, I find myself once again with no energy and the creeping feeling that at any moment I will need to be rushed to the bathroom to keep red stains off of my sheets and floor. If your not getting what I am saying let me spell it out a girls period is tough but, a girls period with PCOS can be even tougher; that is of course when ever it deems fit to show up. This month for me it came 18 days late and with a BANG. For about a week now I have been dealing with pre- menstrual cramps that..well..Suck! And as of two days ago when "Aunt Flo" (as people like to call it) decided to pay a visit the cramps worsened. All pretty typical right. Wrong! My cramps went from annoying to "OMG is there something trying to claw its way out?!?!". 
If the 'cramps' weren't bad enough there's also the little matter of the actual blood. I know "TMI!" "Why are you saying all of this?"I'm saying it cause it needs to be said, tiptoeing around it is not helpful for the women and girls who go through it to understand so, back to the shedding. Bleeding has always been a problem for me either there is so little I am confused by wether I even had a period or there is so much I need to be hooked up to IVs and get transfusions. This month I'm not sure were we're headed but, I do know that keeping my body from staining my cloths, sheets, and even leaving a trail behind me is difficult. On top of that the feeling of dizziness/ light headedness is concerning and yet still normal for me as well as,the rapid heartbeats caused by well any type of physical activity including walking.  I often find my self bed ridden or having to stop every few feet just to get my head clear. Can you imagine trying to live your life or even deal with work when every step feels like your about to have a heart attack. I know boohoo me a practically healthy girl that has all her limbs and basically all her marbles together. I know there are people out there who never let their handicaps get the better of them. People with no legs or arms, people who are paralyzed and mentally handicapped. I'm just venting and trying to find ways to make my life easier to live. 
Leave comments below if this is something you've had to deal with or if your curious about anything I've said. Also, ask me any questions! I would love to answer them.

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