
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Pick me up in mcdonalds

I know I am not the only person who has 1. Seen videos online of the crazy stuff that happens in fast food places and 
2. Has been at a fast food place and wish you had your camera ON to catch the funny shit that was going on around you.
  Well, last night me and my husband took a walk down to the mcdonalds closest to us and was so excited that our meal came with a show. 
  Let me try and set the scene. There are about two to three groups of people at the counter when we walk in and a single man rapping to the window that looks into the playground. It's a little less creepy because it was closed and no kids were on the other side. That of course had us laghing  to ourselves. Now, we have been waiting a while and the line starts to move forward and he just starts dancing and bouncing an invisible ball... Okay to the juicier part... He starts to flirt with the girl standing in the line behind us! Asking her how old she was and as a way of making him self sound good talks about how he doesn't have kids and likes to go out and enjoy himself...(it's funnier in person I'm sure)... Then when the girl makes a stealth move and gets the heck out; he starts to flirt with the cashier and saying how impressed she will be when he rolls up in his fancy car. She turns him down stating "I have a car of my own. I don't need yours". I continue to laugh at the idiocy of this guy. Luckily soon after he got turned down he left.

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