
Friday, April 10, 2015

Poetry and loss...

Earlier I posted on my other blog a very personal old poem that talks about how I felt after my mother died from cancer. It is can be seen as a dark poem and I guess in some ways it may be; there is definitely a lot of emotion in it. I want to take a second before I go more into it and give you guys one the ability to read it and also to tell you I do not in anyway promote suicide or anything like that. Now, here is the story about what inspired that poem...
The summer after I turned 16 my mom took me out to dinner to tell me why she had been sick for so long... Turns out she had cancer and was moving back to NY for treatment. I followed her to NY a few months later. My mom survived 2 years and 2 months with stage 4 colon cancer. My sophomore year after becoming even closer to her, she died. I was 18 years old and felt so unbelievably lost without her. I tried so hard to be organized and look happy, unfazed, okay. I spent most of the time right before she died to a year or more after she died drinking and other stuff to numb the pain that was inside of me. I'm going to stop here before I end up crying all over my keyboard but before I go I want anyone to has lost someone and feels the need to talk about to please message me using the contact form at the bottom of the page. 

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