
Thursday, April 23, 2015


I haven't exactly talked about the things I have been doing lately and so I guess today I will. The other day I started to tell you how I am basically trying to resurrect, reconstruct, and basically start my business that I started 4 years ago. That has taken up a fair part of my time as well as my blogs , which you already know about and if you don't know I have two blogs. A link to my other blog can be found to the left and is under the word HOME. 
On top of those three pretty big projects I'm also currently working part-time for some pretty great people I've already told you about and trying to finish my BA. If that's not enough which,it kind of is when mixed in with trying to be a good wife 😏, I'm also in the middle of a project with a friend to start a counseling forum, thinking of ways to help get helpless animals off the streets and into good homes,trying to get my 'fix' my health, and attempting to get my license. 
Some people... Okay a lot of people tell me I need to focus, to take one or two things on at a time and then take on more from there. I've heard others say I'll give myself a coronary from all the stress. I'm not sure but HEY! If you guys think you can give me a timeline on how long I got that would be great!!! (Lol) if not your more then welcomed to tell me how crazy I am. I look forward to any comments!! For now I am ready to curl up with a book and a nice bath and I will talk to you guys tomorrow!

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