
Monday, June 8, 2015

Pop up

So I'm gonna pop by today do a little spiel then maybe disappear for a little bit again but, I swear it's not my fault.

I'm not sure if I told you last week I went to my doctor again and had some tests done on my levels... Hold on let's make sure your fully up to date. 
I ended work March 28th and since then have pretty much been home sleeping and not much else. Here is what's I have been doing.
•sleeping (already said just like saying it)
•trying to get rid of headaches that just would not go away
•urgent care (I told you about my visit)
  • my test result were low but not low enough to warrant any true worry
• S.S disability (it's really hard working and you know not bleeding to death)
• dss (yes, that's welfare do not judge me as I have not judged you. I am unemployed and barely able to walk a block with out feeling like I'm going to have a heart attack)
• primary doctor
   • test now suggest there is need to worry
• oh did I mention I'm thinking about trying for a baby again....

Back to the beginning. I have been busy and yet not really. According to my primary my levels are pretty darn low and it explain the headaches, the dizzyness, the need to constantly be asleep, the rapid heartbeat that makes me feel like I'm going to die. I know I say that a lot but that's how I feel. Anyhoo as I write this I am battling off yawns and so if this post is not 100% coherent please understand that I'm basically half asleep writing this because I miss you guys as my readers and want to go back to the happy days. Well maybe I should tell you more when I make sense... Hmmm night ya'll and I promise to fill in any of your questions.

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