
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Oh... Well...

Someone asked me the other day what I was doing for my birthday. I told her 1. That's 6 months away and 2. My birthday is Christmas there is no planning. As many holiday babies can testify to having a party, hanging out with friends on a day that everyone is with family is not going to happen. 
The first thing outside of what's above that came to my mind was HOLY COW I am going to be 24 years old by the end of this year. Can you believe that?! Cause I certainly can't. I mean I know I am 23 and logically 24 comes after but, most of the time I still feel like I am 20/40 ( depending on the day). I feel that way because of where I am today. 
• not gainfully employed • living in a room in someone else's house • I am married but, to be honest it is rocky
Earlier I posted about my goals and in this post I want to integrate it with how I feel about getting older. In my mind when I am 25 years old my life has to be down pact and nearly perfect. • have a job ( my business and be able to do it from home) • have my own place • have a better marriage • have my health together • BE A TRUE ADULT: I know that's a broad statement and what exactly is a true adult. I'm not honestly sure but, it's not where I am. So, for the next 6 months this is what I am going to accomplish, for myself. • SSI • Have a good and full set of doctors • get my health on an even level ( not perfect but better than now) • Have my own apartment again • have a healthy savings. What do you guys thing? Do you think I can achieve that in alittle less than 6 months?


  1. Do you proof read this?

  2. Blah blah blah.... Again with the proof read. This is not an adventure at all jacks.
