
Saturday, June 13, 2015


In the next few posts I am going to re-define and hopefully clearly define all the conditions I have talked about the past two/ three months. All of these definitions come from the MAYO Clinic and so, hopefully they are as accurate as possible. I will even include some of the symptoms that you will see fit what I have told you...Lets start from the beginning.

PCOS- PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome
Is a common endocrine system disorder. I should not have to say but I will for WOMEN of menstruation age. Now, because PCOS is varies between person,   You may have enlarged ovaries that contain small collections of fluid. Those are called follicles and they would be located on both ovaries. As well, you may have infrequent or prolongedenstrual periods, excess hair growth, acne, and obesity. 
The exact cause of PCOS, as I have said several times, is unknown. Symptoms that help diagnose you are •irregular periods- I.e. Menstrual intervals longer than 35 days. Prolonged periods can be either scant or heavy. •excess androgen- elevated male hormones may result in physical signs and is the one thing basically all PCOS patients have in common. It leads to facial or body hair, adult acne, and/or male pattern baldness. **I will never tell you what I have** • PCO- PolyCystic Ovaries that become enlarged and contain numerous small fluid-filled sacs that surround the eggs.

This is my more in depth, hopefully helpful definition and whatnot of PCOS. Sorry it took so long but again if you have any questions message me or comment then and I'll try and answer.

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