
Friday, June 12, 2015

a little bit

I'm horrible and its not all my fault... Okay it is because well I should be doing more and better. However, when a person is in the middle of going to the hospital, offices, trying not to pee too much pain, and forgets to pay the internet bill we can all give them some leeway (I am aware that I probably spelt that wrong. Please either leave it alone or tell me the correct spelling in the comments)...right so life without blogging has been disastrous for me. I miss writing and filling you guys in on what has been going on. I'm sure most of you are saying yea, yea get on to the part where your peeing blood cause that shit is just not good, and you know what you would be right.

Remember about three or so weeks ago when i told you i went to urgent care and they found out I had a UTI and the hospital didn't catch it. Well apparently either one of three things happened: 1. the pills they gave me did not work and the infection continued 2. I didn't take the pills right and the infection continued or 3. I got another UTI and this one is way worse. Either way all i know is that it is bad enough that my bladder is now adding blood into the waste category and I'm freaking out like I'm going to die. The doctors though have let me know that I will more than likely be okay and just gave me another round of antibiotics. I truly hope these works!!

On the other hand the things I have been doing or rather keeping up with.
this is very important to me. My cousins have had another baby and it a BOY!!! I am so very happy and proud of them. From what I have seen they did a great job with my niece and I am sure they will be great with this new addition. Not only is that happening but my cousins wife's sister in-law also welcomed a new bundle of GIRLy goodness into the family. Both gave birth the same day and I am intrigued to see how these two grow up!

I will be writing more and don't worry I will not leave you hanging about my last post and by the end of next week I hope to have you all caught up in my stories/ adventures. Also, hit my up o facebook (Adventures), i love to here what you have to say and if you want to share anything going on with you. I am still in the middle of looking up some cool stuff and will be spending sometime going back over my old posts and making sure I have filled you in on everything I possibly can. I will also be posting soon following up about me becoming a mom... So stay in touch, share your favorite posts, and let all your friends know about this blog. If you have any suggestions, questions, or insights please feel free to message me. There is a contact form at the bottom of the page if you are on the computer. If you are mobile you can drop me a line on facebook (again the page name is Adventures), twitter (@mjsserve), or even snapchat ( mamilinda1022 ( please do not make fun. its not nice. lol)
Have a good day and seriously come back for more fun information lol.

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