
Monday, August 3, 2015

And it starts...again

In one of my last posts I tell you guys how I had a feeling my period would be soon. How it would be bad. How this new doctor said, this medication can help. I also told you how the cramps were already bad. Well today is day three now and day one I could do nothing including stay a sleep because of the pain. I personally use marihuana to help with the pain and nausea. I did this and I was still in extreme pain. I then took 2400 mg of ibuprofen which is better when you have cysts cause it is an anti- inflammatory. That also left me in pain. So, I looked up meditation music that can help with pain and that at least helped put me to sleep, along with my husband that stood up all night and played with my hair. Since then I have taken another 1600 mg and put on a fentanyl patch of 12 mcg. I am still in general pain but for the most part I can live with it. The not so great part is that only on day two I was already bleeding a lot. Where little streams were falling down and how dark the blood was. It looked as if someone had stuck a needle in my veins and the blood that would normally full the vial was just pourin out of me. However, I knew that this period would be different from the ones I have had before. Another thing I plan on being different is my approach to dealing with the blood loss and getting my vitamins and minerals back. I know I have said this before, but I am going to start working out again. Thanks to Pinterest I have found some great exercises for people with pcos to do; exercises that help. I also have a new food plan. I am ready to start cutting out more and more carbs. I know this is going to be very hard for me, but I am determined to get back to at least my freshmen weight. That means I plan on losing 65 lbs. I don't think it will be easy, but hopefully with all the doctors I have, it will be possible. So, please wish me luck as I start this. I hope for your encouragement as I try to return more and more to healthy. 

On another note I am glad to share here that I have started a new campaign on GOFUNDME. No, this is not me asking you guys to donate money. This is just me talking about something I am truly excited about. See, before my mom does from cabcer 5 years ago. She started or rather tried to start a nonprofit organization to help other cancer patients and their families. She wanted to help me them find better doctors, have help with paying for medical treatments, and bring them into a community of survivors. Unfortunately, she died before it could happen. I have always wanted to help with her organization and do something for other kids out there like me. Kids who lost their parents and became lost. So, now I have The Romero Foundation. I hope to raise enough money that I can help several people with cancer, kids who lsost their parent to cancer, and give a portion to relay for life. For those of you who do not know what Relay for Life is, it is a fundraising project where you can have fun, sell things, but most of all walk. Each team has a set goal and the money goes for cancer research. Relays goal is to give cancer patients more birthdays. I plan on donating 1/3 of whatever money I am able to raise to them. Another 1/3 will go to a not so lucky person who lost a parent to cancer. They can use the money for school, bills, anything they need it for. The other 1/3 will go to cancer patients. They will be given an amount they need for bills, treatment costs, equipment costs. For whatever their insurance has not covered including if needed transportation cost. I know my mom probably spent a pretty penny goon out to Michigan, for their cancer treatment facility. The Romero Funds will be used to make people who have had to deal with cancer, lives easier. 
I told you above I am not asking for your money. What I will ask is for you to share my message. Share with your friends and family, maybe then can donate or share it with their friends and family. My GOFUNDME link is . I am lucky enough to have already gotten a contribution and I could not be happier. Every dollar really does count. I hope that even if you don't donate to me, you will look at relay for life or other cancer fundraisers and donate there. I hope one day soon this disease really will be eradicated. I hope no one else in the coming years has to lose their loved ones to this. With that said I hope you all have a good day. It's Monday and the work week has just begun. Enjoy :)

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