
Thursday, August 6, 2015

This is interesting

The other day I was telling you about how I started a new treatment for my pcos and menorrhagia. This first treatment was supposed to be really bad. That's what both me and the doctor expected. Clots, gushing blood, fatigue, and bad cramping. You know the pretty much norm for me. Can I tell you something?. I got no clots, none whatsoever. I had minimal gush, the whole time I kept putting down in my apps medium period. I got minimal fatigue and a bunch of insomnia. The only thing I did get was horrendous, body twisting, agonizing cramps. Cramps that 4000 mg of ibuprofen couldn't help, that a 12mcg patch of fentanyl just barely put a dent into, and weed please I was still in agony ( but I was high and happy...). So, this morning on my 6 th day I go to the bathroom and start logging my symptoms and period flow. When I go to wipe the paper is barely red, in fact it's not. It's not even pink! So, I sit there with disbelief and wipe again. This time putting a finger in a little bit to see if there is blood around the front. Nope! Still just this period endin color or light brown almost. If I tol you guys that I was flipping out, that wouldn't even explain it. I mean when I was given the provera I was told that it will help me ovulate. By assisting me to ovulate, my lining would not have enough time to become very thick and cause an excessive period. However, I had to wait a long time to take the medicine. So, I was already 30 odd days past when I should have bled. Plenty of time for my lining to become thick, and from my ultrasound it was. My feeling now is how, seriously how did it lower my bleeding days and quantity?! Can you guys give me something that I am missing cause seriously I am going insane...
Anyway, outside of them at spiel. I told you all that I planned on being healthier and exercising. I have come up with a plan and will be sharing my progress journal with you in my pages. Some of the hardest things for me right now is A. Motivation to get up and going. B. To have the energy to share the kitchen with annoying idiots. C. To stop drinking soda and eating canned foods (chef boyardi).
While I was going (really staying) away my brothers place I was cooking all my meals and they were fairly healthy. I know I can do it and I generally enjoy doing it. The problem is everytime I go into the kitchen a door is being a shut or there are comments and sneers. It makes it easier for me to be lazy and not want to do anything. With soda and canned foods I blame my husband, who is not only an enabler but pushes it on me. I tell him I want to be healthier and he goes out gets chips, chef, and two sodas (one for me, one for him). So, last night I told him I'm not drinking soda for 2 months. That I am goin to keep a chart of it and everything. I even told him I want to get a bj's membership so I can buy healthy foods in bulk for smoothies and other things. He gave me a face like I am crazy.  Well he is going to be in for the time of his life cause I want to be a healthier house. I don't care what he does away from me but when we are together he is eatin like me. No longer will I eat what he likes (all unhealthy crap) and let him bring junk food home. Well, I guess in the coming weeks we will see how it all works out. 

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