
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My Opinions & Rants on Recent Events

Okay, there has been a lot going on as of late. Every so often, I like to write my opinions on certain things because I'm tired of people being ignorant. So let's start this, shall we?

1. Cecil the Lion vs Attacks on the Military: I don't approve of any sort of game hunting. I think people who think it's a good idea to kill an animal just because they can, and/or because it can fix/keep safe this or that or whomever, are ignorant assholes. That being said, the fact that a lion has garnered more attention and support than our military members who have been attacked on US soil is disgraceful. Obviously, people's priorities are seriously misconstrued in this country. The day that we realize this too late will be the day I'm moving to Ireland.

2. Confederate Flag: Those of you who think it's great that it's being taken down and banned and what not, obviously are sheep. It's part of US history. At this rate, next you're going to say that the original flag that has 13 stars for the original 13 colonies is offensive to British descendants and demand THAT be taken down and banned too. Get off the band wagon and get a damn education.

3. Ronda Rousey: If you think she looks masculine or have any other horrible things to say about her, you're obviously a misogynistic asshole. She's beautiful, she's strong, she's a bad ass, she's the kind of inspiration and idol I'd want any daughter(s) I have to look up to. Better her than some of the half naked, idealized crap that the current generation is subjected to.

4. The immigration laws, or lack there of, have caused a lot of controversy. My opinion? No, I don't like that the people who come to the US illegally get treated so well when our own citizens have to struggle every day to survive. They shouldn't be given hand outs. How can we help them, when there are homeless children & adults who could use it far more than somebody who came here just for a free ride. As for the whole argument that includes the country's treatment of Native Americans throughout history, I think that's disgraceful too. We took away their lands, treated them like dirt. They are the ones who we should be giving land back to as well as restitution. They deserve far more than the illegal immigrants.5. $15 an hour: You people who think that's what you deserve for flipping a burger and scooping up fries are greedy, lazy jackasses. You obviously are the ones who fall under the category of people who don't want to have to work hard for anything in their lives. I'm 24 years old. I have a part time job that barely helps me pay bills and still take care of myself. Yet I have to live at home because I don't make enough to have my own place or even get a place with roommates. However, I know that this is how it is sometimes and it can get better. I've worked retail, in a kitchen, as a server, as a cleaning person. I've done everything I can to get by. You don't see me demanding more money for the jobs I've done. It's building skill and experience so that when I do find a steady career, I can honestly say that I've learned several skills that will help me do the best I can in that field. If you want $15 an hour for doing the things that don't even come close in comparison to those who don't make nearly that much doing things that are far beyond your level of intellect and skill, you obviously have no idea what the real world is and should be thrown into it without a single helping hand.

This may anger or offend a lot of people, and that's okay. However, I will not apologize for a single word of it.

May the Goddess Protect you.

---- I would like to say as Jacks I do not necessarily agree with everything stated here. I am happy to introduce our new writer here on Jacks and hope you all enjoy her articles.

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