
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Welcome to my life…

I could tell you my name just like any other introduction would but honestly it is long and I only ever use it on legal documents. You my audience and peers can call me Jacks (yes I do know it's a male name and yes it does sounds plural, but my sister gave me that nickname and I like it). So, a bit about me: I am a 23 year old bewildered nanny (I will not be talking much about my job). I will be talking a lot about the everyday facets of my life, from a condition that interrupts my daily life (polycystic ovarian syndrome) to being married and trying to have a baby to growing up and following my heart and dreams. Most of you will think I am crazy and well I am, some of you will understand, but I hope all of you get something out of my journey. So, here is the start of my narrative. I hope you all enjoy and welcome to my life!!!