
Tuesday, March 24, 2015


In the next week or so I will be mainly dealing with a condition of mine. One that affects many girls and women and still has no cure for (which yea would be nice). PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome or otherwise known as PCOS is a syndrome that I am still learning about; even though I have been diagnosed with it for 11 years. Now, I am not a doctor and defining it would be hard for me to do so, I found someone who can She unlike me is a doctor and can give better understanding of what PCOS is.
Going a little back:
When I was 12 years old I had already suffered through a year of pain that felt like it was tearing me apart before I was diagnosed with PCOS. Like most people diagnosed with a condition in the modern day I went home and researched my butt off to find out more information. Now, again like most people in the modern day also know that's a great way to scare yourself into thinking "I am going to die". Of course, I was wrong as is the proof of me still being here 11 years later but, that was not the only thing I was scared of. Through everything I had read and learned at that time I knew I would most likely end up being infertile. For me THAT was the scariest thought in the world and to be honest it still is the scariest thought.
Back to today:
Like any condition I was given medication to manage the symptoms. However, the medication often made me feel sicker and messed with my head and so I often just stopped taking them. Now as an adult I look back often at my journey with pcos and wonder if I should have done more as a teen. If I should have questioned more and fought harder for better treatments. At 23 I am going back to a bunch of doctors to try and get some new medication that will help me. Now, I am curious as to how many of my readers suffer from this syndrome. How many of you have felt unbelievable amounts of pain? How many of you are hoping to change the way your life is impacted by PCOS?


  1. could you give more information?

  2. I will give more information in my next few posts. Please stay tuned in and patient

  3. Can you have any natural children?

    1. Most people with PCOS can some even without medication. I am not sure we're on that spectrum I am. Naturally so far I haven't.
