
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Chicken or the egg dilemma

Yesterday, I started talking about PCOS and how I have been unlucky enough to be in the group of women who suffer from this. Today, I want to stay along those lines and talk about one aspect of PCOS that is more visible to the outside world. Now, if you are a woman with PCOS who has dealt with being overweight raise your hand. I bet all of you are and if not then I envy you and I am 100% serious about that. Growing up I had always been rounder but, never overweight until I hit puberty. Then it seemed like no matter what I did, I just could not shed the pounds. From 8th grade to my junior year of high school I was in sports (swimming, soccer, and basketball) and because I lived in the middle of the woods, I often walked several miles to get anywhere I really wanted to go. You would think I would have had an athletic body type but, no I was still pudgy and as the years have rolled by I have only gotten bigger. I am not going to lie, I have gotten really lazy in the past oh…. 5 years.

Some of you may be wondering "why is she talking about her weight? And how does PCOS make her heavier?" as well as "what does anything she has said so far have to do with the chicken or the egg dilemma?" don't worry I am getting to that now.

Growing up my physician always said that if I was to lose weight I would have less symptoms with my PCOS. The problem with this is that one of the symptoms of PCOS tends to be weight gain (overweight/obesity) due to an insulin resistance and yada, yada. Hence the chicken and the egg dilemma. I mean which one am I? Am I inflicted with Pcos because I am a larger person or did I become a larger person because of the Pcos? I tend to think, most likely wishful thinking that I am a larger person due to this condition. So, as most people with this annoying condition I find myself wondering what the heck am I supposed to do. Don't get me wrong there are things I can do that some people have had success with such as going on a no carb diet. Anyone who knows me will know I would rather start hacking off limbs then give up my carbs. Sound like I am making excuses. Well I am not! I vow that starting next week I will start exercising for 45 minutes a day. I will post pictures of my times and of the exercises I will be doing. I will also keep you posted on any weight loss or gain. Now, I wonder how many people are willing to do this with me. You can do it anonymously and keep me updated with the contact form at the bottom of the page or do it publicly by commenting below. I hope I get tons of messages and comments from people willing to go down this road with me.


  1. Where are your posts from the past few days? Have you started the exercise? How is it going?

  2. I'm sorry I have been offline the past few days. I have started my regiment and I will be posting about it soon.
