
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Chen Skin Care and Spa

Today I decided I needed to treat myself to some pampering and so I went to a place I had heard about a while ago. I normally go there for my eyebrow waxing but today I decided to get something else waxed. Now ladies, I have never and i repeat never done this before and thought that only crazy people would but, today I did... ...was... not that bad. I thought that dripping/ smearing (how ever you want to put it) hot wax onto my genitals would be well, horrific. In stead I found that the wax was not too hot for that sensitive region and even more so the technician was skilled enough that the pain barely registered. That of course did not stop my body from cringing every time she went to wax another section. I do attribute it all to the technician Hersy Chen; who not only does everything in the store but also owns it! Hersy was kind and soothing and was able to read my stress and body easily. She was professional (which every and any one who deals with lower/ private areas of the body should be!) and warm which made it easy for us to get into a conversation. At the end of my session I was not only pleased with the results but told her about my blog and how I would love to write a post about Her and her store. As you can see she said yes! I look forward to going there more often and testing out some of her other services which range from facials to spray tan, waxing to teeth brightening. I hope you guys are eager to read future posts about this spa and please leave comments at the bottom if you have any questions.

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