
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Chen Skin Care and Spa

Today I decided I needed to treat myself to some pampering and so I went to a place I had heard about a while ago. I normally go there for my eyebrow waxing but today I decided to get something else waxed. Now ladies, I have never and i repeat never done this before and thought that only crazy people would but, today I did... ...was... not that bad. I thought that dripping/ smearing (how ever you want to put it) hot wax onto my genitals would be well, horrific. In stead I found that the wax was not too hot for that sensitive region and even more so the technician was skilled enough that the pain barely registered. That of course did not stop my body from cringing every time she went to wax another section. I do attribute it all to the technician Hersy Chen; who not only does everything in the store but also owns it! Hersy was kind and soothing and was able to read my stress and body easily. She was professional (which every and any one who deals with lower/ private areas of the body should be!) and warm which made it easy for us to get into a conversation. At the end of my session I was not only pleased with the results but told her about my blog and how I would love to write a post about Her and her store. As you can see she said yes! I look forward to going there more often and testing out some of her other services which range from facials to spray tan, waxing to teeth brightening. I hope you guys are eager to read future posts about this spa and please leave comments at the bottom if you have any questions.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Chicken or the egg dilemma

Yesterday, I started talking about PCOS and how I have been unlucky enough to be in the group of women who suffer from this. Today, I want to stay along those lines and talk about one aspect of PCOS that is more visible to the outside world. Now, if you are a woman with PCOS who has dealt with being overweight raise your hand. I bet all of you are and if not then I envy you and I am 100% serious about that. Growing up I had always been rounder but, never overweight until I hit puberty. Then it seemed like no matter what I did, I just could not shed the pounds. From 8th grade to my junior year of high school I was in sports (swimming, soccer, and basketball) and because I lived in the middle of the woods, I often walked several miles to get anywhere I really wanted to go. You would think I would have had an athletic body type but, no I was still pudgy and as the years have rolled by I have only gotten bigger. I am not going to lie, I have gotten really lazy in the past oh…. 5 years.

Some of you may be wondering "why is she talking about her weight? And how does PCOS make her heavier?" as well as "what does anything she has said so far have to do with the chicken or the egg dilemma?" don't worry I am getting to that now.

Growing up my physician always said that if I was to lose weight I would have less symptoms with my PCOS. The problem with this is that one of the symptoms of PCOS tends to be weight gain (overweight/obesity) due to an insulin resistance and yada, yada. Hence the chicken and the egg dilemma. I mean which one am I? Am I inflicted with Pcos because I am a larger person or did I become a larger person because of the Pcos? I tend to think, most likely wishful thinking that I am a larger person due to this condition. So, as most people with this annoying condition I find myself wondering what the heck am I supposed to do. Don't get me wrong there are things I can do that some people have had success with such as going on a no carb diet. Anyone who knows me will know I would rather start hacking off limbs then give up my carbs. Sound like I am making excuses. Well I am not! I vow that starting next week I will start exercising for 45 minutes a day. I will post pictures of my times and of the exercises I will be doing. I will also keep you posted on any weight loss or gain. Now, I wonder how many people are willing to do this with me. You can do it anonymously and keep me updated with the contact form at the bottom of the page or do it publicly by commenting below. I hope I get tons of messages and comments from people willing to go down this road with me.

The kindness of children

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


In the next week or so I will be mainly dealing with a condition of mine. One that affects many girls and women and still has no cure for (which yea would be nice). PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome or otherwise known as PCOS is a syndrome that I am still learning about; even though I have been diagnosed with it for 11 years. Now, I am not a doctor and defining it would be hard for me to do so, I found someone who can She unlike me is a doctor and can give better understanding of what PCOS is.
Going a little back:
When I was 12 years old I had already suffered through a year of pain that felt like it was tearing me apart before I was diagnosed with PCOS. Like most people diagnosed with a condition in the modern day I went home and researched my butt off to find out more information. Now, again like most people in the modern day also know that's a great way to scare yourself into thinking "I am going to die". Of course, I was wrong as is the proof of me still being here 11 years later but, that was not the only thing I was scared of. Through everything I had read and learned at that time I knew I would most likely end up being infertile. For me THAT was the scariest thought in the world and to be honest it still is the scariest thought.
Back to today:
Like any condition I was given medication to manage the symptoms. However, the medication often made me feel sicker and messed with my head and so I often just stopped taking them. Now as an adult I look back often at my journey with pcos and wonder if I should have done more as a teen. If I should have questioned more and fought harder for better treatments. At 23 I am going back to a bunch of doctors to try and get some new medication that will help me. Now, I am curious as to how many of my readers suffer from this syndrome. How many of you have felt unbelievable amounts of pain? How many of you are hoping to change the way your life is impacted by PCOS?

Monday, March 23, 2015

Simply cannot decide

Last night I was prepared to set up a topic for today's post; I even started a few, but when I woke up this morning i just couldn't get my mind wrapped around any of the previous topics. Throughout today I just kept thinking maybe this or that until I now find myself at 8 o'clock with no real topic picked. So, I figure why not talk about my procrastination. I mean all of us procrastinate at one point or another. Whether it is on our homework, a work project, a home project, or even putting together a meal for dinner, something gets in the way and I wonder why that is. Is it really that the TV show I sat down to watch was that important, I mean it is on Hulu and I can watch it at any time, or is it that the project seems so huge and important to us that our brains need a timeout so it can break things up and simplify what's needed to be done. Me, I think it's because I'm lazy! Which is weird, I am at home, sitting down to write something that's all about me and I am too lazy to do that; that seems sad… As far as projects go that should be the easiest, but that seems to be the hard part. I mean how much is, too much info. I am sure you guys don't want me here to blab on and on about the little problems in my life, that's what friends are for, but at the same time I know I like reading about someone else's issues cause it makes mine feel so much better and simpler. So, tell me how much of me, are you interested in knowing. I am pretty much an open book waiting for someone to read away.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Welcome to my life…

I could tell you my name just like any other introduction would but honestly it is long and I only ever use it on legal documents. You my audience and peers can call me Jacks (yes I do know it's a male name and yes it does sounds plural, but my sister gave me that nickname and I like it). So, a bit about me: I am a 23 year old bewildered nanny (I will not be talking much about my job). I will be talking a lot about the everyday facets of my life, from a condition that interrupts my daily life (polycystic ovarian syndrome) to being married and trying to have a baby to growing up and following my heart and dreams. Most of you will think I am crazy and well I am, some of you will understand, but I hope all of you get something out of my journey. So, here is the start of my narrative. I hope you all enjoy and welcome to my life!!!