
Friday, January 10, 2020

another year, another hope 2020

28. I am now 28 years old and with it there is this sadness. I do this to myself every year with expectations and ideals. I just do not think I know how to live my life any other way. Truly I do not. I put so much on myself and expect that I should live up to it. This year though I have to, I have to reach these goals I am setting out for myself because they are simple. Simple but necessary and daunting all the same cause I have yet to be able to fully hold on to or do them. So, here are my goals and I am starting with the easiest to the hardiest.

  1. Get and maintain a full time job 
  2. do my taxes...
  3. Hang out with friends socially
  4. Publish your book
  5. Take 1-2 vacations in the states
  6. Get CPR Certified
  7. Get Teachers Certificate
  8. Get all IDS and paperwork
  9. Get an apartment
  10. Take 1 vacation out of the states
Well that is what I have so far as far as my yearly goals are and I have a good feeling that if I can at least do the first one I'll be able to accomplish the rest. WISH ME LUCK. I am going to take everything one step at a time and hopefully conquer it all.