
Monday, November 6, 2017


The last I wrote here I had gotten some unfortunate news about my uterus. I still have not gotten any real attention for my uterus. I had imagining a few weeks ago and have not received my results. You're probably wondering "well, Jack why is this called biopsy if you didn't get one...???"
When I went to the doctor about my uterus they did a pap smear. Girls you know what this and GUYS you should know about this and get your own version of this test done. In October I was called back with the results of my pap smear.
Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL)—LSIL means that the cervical cells show changes that are mildly abnormal. LSIL usually is caused by an HPV infection that often goes away on its own. High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL)—HSIL suggests more serious changes in the cervix than LSIL.
I believed because Candida was also present (a common yeast infection) that maybe my test results were skewed. When they scheduled my colposcopy for today I honestly thought they would not find anything. I was scared and my anxiety wound me up quite a bit. I cried before the appointment but now, Now after my appointment I am honestly petrified. They found two areas on my cervix that needed to be biopsied. I am sick. I am sick in some form and I CANNOT believe it. My heart stopped the second she said she was doing them. I'm not sure my heart will really start up again any time soon. I am sooo scared.

At the end of my appointment I was given a "problem list". My problems listed and on it were things I didn't know I had. A cardiac murmur (oh yeah, undiagnosed), Hyperglycerdemia (blood sugar issue) for example. I have to now read up on these and see what the hell is wrong with me.

Most importantly I have to go back to work tomorrow and act like I am okay. I have to do homework today and continue with my studies like there is nothing wrong. I have to run my company and make safeguards and act like everything is okay. I AM SO NOT FUCKING OKAY.