
Friday, October 2, 2015


You may have noticed that September is the awareness month for PCOS and that I did not write a post talking about it. You may also notice that in recent months I have not really mentioned, or rather write about my PCOS. There are a few reasons for this. One reason is I have been really swamped trying to focus on the other aspects of my business. Two is that I have been overly lucky in the sense that my bleeding and pains have not been crazy. In fact after taking that one dose (10 day regiment) I have had relatively no problems. Which is amazing for me and I am making the most of that! the Third reason is that for me September is not the only (or regulated) month that I want to talk about PCOS. I want to raise awareness every month. I want to try and start sharing knowledge that even I am still learning. Like its symptoms PCOS does not affect and should not just be on our brains one month out of the year (if you do not understand me sorry but, I am not rephrasing). It affects us and should be on every ones mind all year around. I'm not going to make this post really long or even rant about this belief of mine. I will leave it of now with these question. How many of you knew about PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome before reading my blog (that were not diagnosed with it)?  How many people did you know before that had it? and how many people have you realized have had it but, you just didn't notice or care to find out?

This month on my other blog Adventures  I will be talking about miscarriage and all that affects that.